Peggy McKeand, M.A.
Saskatoon Office Manager
Archaeology and Geophysics Operations

Chun Chen, M.Sc
Geomatics Manager
GIS and Remote Sensing Operations
Chun Chen, (B.Eng., M.Eng.) is Geomatics Manager and Senior Geomatics Scientist. She is a specialist in GIS and remote Sensing, with expertise in image processing, analysis and applications using a wide spectrum of spatial data and satellite imagery. She has a rich working experience and successful career in areas such as business development, information technology and operational excellence. Ms. Chen speaks several languages and has a rich international background. She is committed to maintaining the highest level of professionalism and excellence in the field of Geomatics. In concluding of her credentials, expertise and commitment, Ms. Chen has been instrumental in successfully concluded several major domestic and international projects and collaborations.

Krista Gilliland, Ph.D.
St. Albert Office Manager
GIS and Remote Sensing Operations

Vice President
UAV Operations
Michael joined Western Heritage in Jan 2013. As Vice President, Michael is responsible for drone marketing, drone project management and Calgary office daily operation. He holds Transport Canada Drone Advanced Flight, Flight Reviewer and BVLOS certificates. Michael competed his GIS Engineering PhD (2009) and then completed one year Post-Doctoral Fellow in East Michigan University (2010) and two-year Post-Doctoral Fellow in University of Saskatchewan (2012).